Bust of a man wearing armour decorated with a Gorgon

This bust is from the early Antonine age. The execution of the cuirass and the Gorgon’s face – in which a drill was used – is in a Hellenizing and Classicist taste. The type of cuirass dates from between the early imperial age and the end of the third century AD.
At the centre of the cuirass, a Gorgon with winged mane can be seen.
On the left shoulder the paludamentum is held in place by a round leather stud, while the string that ties the right shoulder strap ends in a heart-shaped ivy leaf.
The back of the bust is only very perfunctorily worked.
Masterpieces of the hall
The hall
The staircase leads to an antechamber that opens onto the large loggia on the pronaos. It has ceilings decorated by Decio Trabalza of Dawn, Day and Night.