The Staircase of the Four Seasons
The staircase, which runs against the building and leads outside, has stained glass depicting lively subjects in its walls and skylights.
The sequence on the walls follows the theme of the four seasons: Spring, Summer and Autumn follow one after the other. Winter, however, is missing, as the work was unfortunately lost, and the image of Spring is not the original, but a copy made by the Giuliani Glass Works in 1997, based on the sketches which have survived and are on display in the corridor opposite the staircase.

The panes of glass show “Summer” with ears of wheat, poppies and hay with scrolls; “Autumn” with grape vines and a cup; “Spring” with roses joined by a scroll and a bow and arrow.
The rhomboid panels of glass in the ceiling were designed by Duilio Cambellotti and have the theme of migratory birds: “Swallows”, “Skylarks”, “Thrushes” and “Migrating Birds”.
Only “Migrating Birds” is an original piece; it survived, although in a terrible condition, and was put back in place after restoration. The other three were made in 1997 by the Giuliani Glass Works, based on the sketches on display in the Prince’s bedroom.
Vetrate d’arte Giuliani, original of Vincenzo Fasolo (attr.)