Nail with vines and grapes

Duilio Cambellotti, Vetrata detta "Il Chiodo" con tralci d'uva e foglie di vite

Duilio Cambellotti

Stained window
Material and technique: 
Quadrelli di vetro opalescente chiaro; fondi di vetro finestra trasparente; decorazioni in vetro opalescente e colorescente; tessitura a piombo non sustagnata
alt. 271 cm larg. 130 cm
Casina delle Civette
M CC 141 a b

This piece of stained-glass, made up of 120 panes, takes its name from the unusual design of the huge round window, in which vine-leaves and bunches of grapes are shown in opalescent glass.
The naturalistic elements are rendered effectively through a synthetic design and vivid contrasts of colour, created through retouching with flame.
The glass was made for the House of the Owls in 1915 by Picchio, as is known from the Picchiarini accounts, in which it is listed as “Large window with a subject (of grapes)”
La vetrata venne realizzata per la Casina delle Civette, da Mastro Picchio nel 1915, come risulta nell’elenco Picchiarini, dove viene citata come “Vetratone a soggetto (d’uva)”.

Masterpieces of the hall

The hall

Stanza del chiodo

This room takes its name from the large piece of stained glass in the form of a nail, made by Duilio Cambellotti and elaborately decorated with vine leaves and bunches of grapes.
The motif is repeated in the delicate monochrome work in stucco which emphasises the panels of the ceiling and in the tondo at its centre, from which a chandelier of wrought iron originally hung.

The room was used as a studio by the Prince, but its furniture has been lost.

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