The peacocks

Umberto Bottazzi, I pavoni

Umberto Bottazzi

Stained window
Material and technique: 
Vetro antico di Germania, soffiato a bocca, colorato in pasta, placcato; vetri opalescenti tedeschi di vari colori; inserti di gemme ovali e tonde di vetro antico opalescente. Legatura con tessitura a piombo di vario spessore, totalmente sustagnata
alt. 110 cm larg. 210 cm
Collezione Paschetto, Torre Pellice
M CC 20

This lunette, created by Cesare Picchiarini for the first session of the Exhibition of Stained Glass held in Rome in 1912, immmediately gained high praise from the critics, who saw in it the perfect fusion between its colours and the equilibrium of the composition. The clever choice of paste-glass and cabocons used by the artist, helps to make the work even more precious. It is compactly structured in a mirrored composition, in which the two facing groups, of three peacocks each, are separated by a large vase of flowers, from which spiralling volutes develop.
This piece, considered lost, was only recently relocated and acquired from an antiquaries market. It is one of the greatest and most complex of stained glass works, made by setting bright but subtle tones of green, blue and yellow glass into lead, to compose an intricate design of six peacocks arranged in gradation around an elaborate vase.
A number of gems and multi-coloured cabochons enrich the composition, while the tiny pieces of glass set in the lead demonstrate the skilful expertise of the Picchiarini workshop.

Masterpieces of the hall

The hall

Stanza dei ciclamini

The room takes its name from the fine floor of marble agglomerate tiles decorated with cyclamen, which was designed by Umberto Botazzi and made by the Vianini firm.

The room was for the use of guests so it was not given any unusual decorative features.

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