Paolo Antonio Paschetto. Artist, designer and decorator between Deco and Art Nouveau

On display the rich unpublished material stored by the artist's family in Torre Pellice. The exhibition is the first monographic exhibition held in Rome since 1938.
On the occasion of the 50th anniversary of the death of Paolo Antonio Paschetto, painter, designer, illustrator and author of the sketch of the coat of arms of the Italian Republic, a series of events in various locations are dedicated to his work. In Rome, there will be two different but contemporaneous exhibitions, one sponsored by Roma Capitale at the Casino dei Principi in Villa Torlonia on Paschetto as a painter and decorator, one promoted by the Ministry of Heritage and Culture and Tourism at the National Institute for Graphics, dedicated to the emblem of the Republic and to his graphic works.
The exhibition Paolo Antonio Paschetto. Artista, grafico e decoratore fra liberty e déco at the Casino dei Principi, the first monographic exhibition held in Rome since 1938, based on the rich unpublished material stored by the artist's family in Torre Pellice, will present the public the little-known figure of an important artist who worked in Rome in the first half of the XX century, and who had a successful career as an artist decorator even after the proclamation of the Italian Republic, of which he designed the official emblem adopted on 5 May 1948.
Through its various sections dedicated to the great secular and religious cycles of paintings, his art nouveau decorations, objects, windows, his graphic production, the exhibition aims to revive the versatile artist's work, showing all the fields and techniques he mastered.
Gangemi Editore Spa
February 26, - September 28, 2014
Tuesday-Sunday: 9.00-19.00;
Last admission 45 minutes before closing time;
Closed: Monday; May 1, 2014.
Casina delle Civette + Casino Nobile + Exhibitions Combined Ticket:
Adults: € 11,00; Concessions: € 9,00;
Roman Citizens only (by showing a valid ID):
Adults: € 10,00; Concessions: € 8,00.
Casino Nobile + Exhibition: "Paolo Antonio Paschetto. Artista, grafico e decoratore tra liberty e déco"
Adults: € 9,00; Concessions: € 8,00;
Roman Citizens only (by showing a valid ID):
Adults: € 8,00; Concessions: € 7,00.
Casina delle Civette:
Adults: € 5,00; Concessions: € 4,00;
Roman Citizens only (by showing a vaild ID):
Adults: € 4,00; Concessions: € 3,00.
tel. +39 060608 (daily, from 9:00 to 21:00)
Promoted by:
Roma Capitale, Assessorato alla Cultura, Creatività e Promozione Artistica Sovrintendenza Capitolina ai Beni Culturali
Comune di Torre Pellice
Fondazione Centro Culturale Valdese, Torre Pellice
Scientific Committee:
Giovanna Alberta Campitelli, Daniela Fonti, Irene de Guttry, Maria Paola Maino e Francesco Tetro
Acea, Banche Tesoriere di Roma Capitale (BNL- Gruppo BNP Paribas, Unicredit Banca di Roma, Monte dei Paschi di Siena), Vodafone
Atac, La Repubblica
Press Room

Casino dei Principi

Casino dei Principi
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