Educational resources for all


Educational resources for all

Educational resources for all
Destinatari didattica: 
Descrizione 1: 

Guided Tours for Groups
Hours: on request
Language: Italiano, English, French, Spanish, German
Persons: Casina delle Civette max 25
Persons: Casino dei Principi max 25
Persons: Casino Nobile max 25
Length: 90 minutes
Price: € 90,00
Booking: required

It's possible to get information and book a guided tour by calling 060608 every day from 9.00 to 19.00 

Currently there are no ongoing events.
There are no planned events.
Natale nei Musei
Musei di Villa Torlonia
02 January 2024
Laboratorio nell'ambito di Natale nei musei consigliato ai bambini dai 3 ai 5 anni e le loro famiglie